Friday 5 November 2021


 Our term value for this term  is Service. So as well we've been learning about service.

Monday 6 September 2021

Cats VS Dogs

Clicked Here, Made a copy of the planning template, Then added in both arguments to support Cats and Dogs. Bam.

Monday 23 August 2021

My Lockdown Game


My Lockdown Game 

My game is called : 

The rules are: I think 1-3 people get to go on the trampoline, The rest of the players are on the ground. Let's call the players on the trampoline "Dodgers" and the other players on the ground "Throwers".  The "Throwers"

are trying to hit the "Dodgers" with a (⬇See Below ⬇) . If they do, The person who hit them comes onto the trampoline and the person who they hit comes off. But don't worry, they may get the opportunity to get back on the trampoline. So the "Throwers" throw, and the "Dodgers" dodge.



how you win: (I think I am not sure, Since didn't I create by myself) maybe it might be staying on the trampoline for the longest but I think I am not sure.

I just want to say, The throwing back isn't actually part of the game, It's just that it requires at least 2 people to play, And Dad was being (maybe a) Thrower and videoing at the same time.

my trampoline game video here

Friday 14 May 2021

"Da" Beach

The Beach
 Hello and welcome to Island Tours! Let me show you around… 
Here we have the bright cyan water, If you look up you will the clear blue sky, And, If you’re lucky, You might even see the strange Dragon/Caterpillar Cloud, Plus if you look across the water,You should see the bright white boat, and you will see the Isolated Island... Which, Brings us to the second part of the Tour: On the island you will the viridescent palm trees, Next up, If we look behind us, We will the gigantic Mouth-Shaped Crater (without teeth and a tongue of course), The enormous Wall-Like Rock, The giant (Maybe) Monkey ((Or)) Gorilla-Shaped Rock, And finally, Now we come to the GIGANTIC, HUMONGOUS, ENORMOUS masses of trees. And now, we have come to the end of our tour. Thank you, For travelling (or touring) with Island Tours.

Wednesday 12 May 2021



We just have gotten news that, 100-Year old Abraham (Or Abram) And 90-Year Old Sarah (Or Sarai), Have just had a baby!

We have been learning about Abraham and Sarah and God's Promise to them to give them a baby And to soon to have as many children as there are stars in the sky and as many children as there are specks of dust. 

Sunday 9 May 2021

Mother's Day

To Mumma

Happy Mother's Day Mumma!

Hope you have a great Mother's Day Today! You mumma, Really are the best mumma a boy could have! You also have been so nice, Kind, and good to me! You give me huggees (Hug+Cuddle Hybrid/Crossbreed) when I am sad, You listen to what I have to say, And in fact, I would never have even EXISTED if it wasn't for you! Thank you for marrying Dad (Jarrod) and deciding to have kids! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!

Happy Mother's Day Mumma!

From, Your Really,Really,Really, (Lots of Reallys here) Really Loving Son, Asher